Welcome to new team members

Welcome to PhD Fellow Rasmus Skov Olesen and Postdoctoral fellow Charlotte Hall. Also joining us later this spring is Emilie Vansant, who will be starting a PhD (June 1). In the fall, we will be welcoming Bowy den Braber, who will be joining the lab as a postdoc (from September 15).

Presentation at the Alliance of Bioversity International and CIAT

Gina Kennedy, Sarah Gergel, and Laura presented the results from a multi-country assessment across sub-Saharan Africa that aimed to understand how forests are associated with multiple indicators of dietary quality, including dietary diversity and the consumption of fruits. The study was developed as part of the project ‘Food & Landscape Diversity’ led by S. Gergel and T. Sunderland, funded with support from the National Socio-Environmental Synthesis Center (SESYNC). The research was published as an article in Global Food Security in October 2019

IUFRO Expert Panel on Forests and Poverty

Laura is at the second IUFRO Expert Panel meeting in Nairobi on Forests and Poverty.  The task of the panel is to carry out a comprehensive global assessment of available scientific information about the interactions between forests and poverty  – and to prepare a report to inform the discussions on the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development and related SDGs. https://www.iufro.org/science/gfep/forests-and-poverty-panel/

Welcome to new team member

Mapping ecosystem services in the Mayan region

Welcome to PhD fellow Yair Asael Alpuche Alvarez. He will be working on the co-production of ecosystem services at the landscape level in Mexico, and the role of policies as drivers of landscape change.​​

Our research featured in Forests News


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Our research on the linkages between forests and people’s dietary diversity in five African countries was covered by CIFOR’s Forests News.

Our Nature Sustainability paper on outcomes of agricultural intensification featured on CBC

Our findings on the socio-ecological outcomes of agricultural intensification in low and middle-income countries were featured in a story on rice intensification by The National (CBC). The findings were published in Nature Sustainability

We also contributed with a ‘Behind the paper’ post to Nature Sustainability

