Bowy den Braber


I am a postdoctoral fellow at the Department of Geosciences and Natural Resource Management, University of Copenhagen in Denmark.


I have been trained as an animal ecologist, but I have gradually shifted my research interest to the intersection of environment and human wellbeing. My work is mostly quantitative and I use methods from a wide variety of disciplines including econometrics, geo-information, remote sensing, and machine learning. 

My postdoctoral work will uncover the heterogeneous impacts of forest loss on people’s dietary quality in low-income countries as the bulk of existing work on assessing impacts of tree cover on diets has focused on average impacts.

2015-2019 PhD, University of Sheffield, UK

2009-2012 MSc, Forest and Nature Conservation, Wageningen University, The Netherlands

2005-2009 BSc, Forest and Nature Conservation, Wageningen University, The Netherlands

2020-2023      Postdoctoral fellow, Dept. of Geosciences and Natural Resource Management, University of Copenhagen, Denmark

2020                Postdoctoral fellow, University of Edinburgh, Scotland 

2014-2019      PhD fellow, University of Sheffield, UK

2014-2015      Traineeship, Joint Research Centre of the European Commission, Italy

2013-2014      Internship at PBL Netherlands Environmental Assessment Agency

2012                Principal Investigator at Frontier, Cambodia

Since 2016    British Ecological Society – Member

Since 2016    Forest & Livelihoods: Assessment, Research and Engagement (FLARE) – Member

Office: 6.2.641

Copyright 2020 Laura Vang Rasmussen